Greetings in Jesus name. Believe you, your family, Church and every one in the second hand shop are in good health by the grace of God.

On behalf of the children we would like to thank you for your prayer and financial support to them to fulfil their dream in their lives. Without your prayer and support it would not be possible to support these orphans, single parents and poor children in HOP.

We thank you for your prayers, support and your kindness and do believe that it will continue in the future for the glory of our Lord.Please convey our regards to the honorable Pastor of Elim Church, every believer, Mission board, everyone in the second hand shop.

God bless you and all.
With regards

Bangladesh Home of Peace

Julkort Bangladesh

När sexåriga Pushpani Kumi först kom till skolan i norra Bangladesh var hon ensam om att tala sitt folks språk. Men nu kan hon mer och mer av det gemensamma språket bengali och har börjat skratta igen.
Foto: Jonatan Sverker

Home of Peace barn